Make Your CV Stand Out!

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Make Your CV Stand Out!


Make Your CV Stand Out!




Putting together a CV can be a daunting task. At Bright Green Business, we know this, and we want to give our students and graduates the tools required to help them stand out from the crowd. Our team goes through hundreds of CV’s and we have a good idea of what makes an impression and what stays at the bottom of the pile. So, next time you find yourself looking to revamp that resume, use our handy guide to get you through!


Spelling and Grammar

This one may seem obvious, but you would be surprised as to how often simple spelling errors can ruin an otherwise acceptable CV. Always spell check and have someone else look over your work before submitting to make sure everything is up to code.


Keep it Simple

Do. Not. Waffle. We want your CV to be full of information, but if we’re having to search for that information in a wall of text, we’re more than likely to move on to the next one. Break your CV into sections and make sure your info is clear, concise, and straight to the point. It should ideally fit on one page. You don’t need to include a picture, your age, or your gender. References are not required but can be available upon request.


Formatting is your friend

As previously mentioned, it’s always a good idea to break your CV into basic sections. Make sure to use subheadings, a font that is easy to read, and even a splash of colour here and there can really help to liven things up and add a bit of personality. Have fun with it! In each heading, list details in chronological order; most recent first.


Tailor Tailor Tailor!

Our final and most important piece of advice is something we find ourselves repeating a lot. You should be tailoring your CV to the specifications of any given job or placement you are applying for. For example, if the company is looking for someone who is interested in sustainability, make sure to talk about your interest in sustainability! If you’re applying for a technology-based role, use your CV to highlight any useful skills or knowledge you may have that would make you perfect for the position. CVs are not a case of one size fits all, and it can make a world of difference if you’re able to prove that you’re exactly what they’re looking for.


Now that you’re an expert, go forth and put your knowledge into practice. Good luck!

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